
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hope Quotes

Here are three famous quotes that you have no doubt heard:

"You cannot fool all the people all the time" (Abraham Lincoln), "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" (Thomas Jefferson), and "Go West, young man" (Horace Greeley).

What do all of these quotes from celebrated people have in common? They are quotes that are almost certainly misattributed. Even though they are widely repeated again and again in speeches and books as quotations from Lincoln, Jefferson and Greeley, they are in fact fake quotes.

Thomas Jefferson's quote "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance" is an important political maxim, but, despite appearing in many quotations books under Jefferson's name, it was never uttered by that great man. The American jurist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, put out a variation of this quote in 1852: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

Horace Greeley, the then editor of the New YorkTribune and a candidate for the Presidency, reprinted the quote in his newspaper. Being a lot more famous than Soule, Greeley became widely seen as the author of the quote. Pope was advocating the virtues of learning -- but deep learning, not superficial learning.

Collecting quotes and using quotes in books, articles, radio, TV, emails, or websites are normally healthy, educational activities which encourage people to study and explore the thoughts and actions of famous people from history.

Viewing the quote is a good way of being thankful for the persons and things that really make us live great lives.

"You are as happy as you make up your mind to be." - Abraham Lincoln

The quote talks about real joy and radiating that feeling to the world. You have the choice to make your life better and happier right this very moment.

The bar always goes higher if you do not accept that you can be happy no matter what your current situation is.

"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live." -- Joan Borysenko

Borysenko stresses the importance of living life to the fullest. It implies how family, friendship, love, generosity and freedom matters. The above-mentioned deep and meaningful quotes are definitely worth reading and applying to your life. It may take some time for people to get accustomed to the lessons provided.

The quotes can also serve as principles and guidelines when making major decisions. Sometimes, quotes help us understand the value of delayed gratification, patience, honesty and other useful values. So seek to share these inspirational, deep and meaningful quotes to live by.

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