
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Effect of positive attitude

When you implement positive thinking you will implement positive body language. Approaching others with a smile will ultimately lead to a positive experience. Reflecting positive thinking and attitude will attract others with positive thinking and attitude.

Smiles can use between 5 to all 53 muscles. Also smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better, even when you fake a smile you can feel better.

For instance, blind babies are able to smile. Humans are able to differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile by seeing the difference in person's eyes when they smile. Smiling is the most important body language that we have. A smile is something precious.

Positive Attitude Can Make You Truly Powerful

The attitude you have is either negative or positive, and it depends on you and your thoughts. Positive thoughts are energizing, invigorating. If you have positive thoughts, your attitude reflects this, and in turn energizes other people around you.

When your thoughts are generally negative, those thoughts project you as sad and gloomy, and your attitude can cause others to feel sad and gloomy as well.

Positive thoughts and positive attitude attracts others; negative thoughts and negative attitude have the opposite effect. Benefits of Adopting a Positive Attitude

According to studies, having a positive attitude has a positive effect on health. And people who are positive tend to attract more friends. Developing a Positive Attitude

So how do you develop a positive attitude? A positive attitude starts with fostering positive thoughts. It can be a challenge to have positive thoughts all the time, but anyone can work on making sure their thoughts are positive most of time and not let negative thoughts affect them so much.

If you do things that promote positive feelings in yourself, you are on your way to having a positive attitude.

Other people can benefit from your having a positive attitude.

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